The Anchor Foundation - Information for Applicants
Our focus is on supporting Christian charities
We receive many applications from worthwhile causes but sadly cannot support them all
We will consider applications for projects in the UK or overseas
The maximum grant provided is £12,000
Only in exceptional circumstances will grants be given for building work
Charities with a number of projects operating should select a single project for their application
We do not give grants to individuals
The Trustees look favourably on organisations whose Boards demonstrate equal opportunities
Applicants - whether successful or unsuccessful - should wait at least 12 months from the previous application date before applying again
Projects which have had 3 consecutive years of funding should wait 2 years from the date of the last grant award before applying again
Examples of projects we have funded are available here but this is only a small selection of the large number of very varied projects funded
The Application Process
The Initial selection process will rely on the Application Form only - this should ideally be completed and submitted online. If online completion is not possible the offline form may be printed and completed but must then be emailed to: Incorrect, invalid or incomplete applications will not be considered. Please keep application succinct and do not include any other information at this stage as it will not be considered.
You will receive a copy of the application by email as your confirmation of submission, but please be aware that this is not an automatic response so will not be immediate.
Please ensure that you provide a valid email address and website address if you have one and keep us informed of email address changes during the application process.
If your application is shortlisted you will be contacted and asked to provide further relevant information such as project budget and annual accounts.
Applications are considered at twice yearly Trustee meetings, usually held in April & October and deadlines for receipt of applications are 31st January and 31st July respectively. Please take these dates into account when submitting your application - particularly with time sensitive projects. Please do not wait until the end of each application period to apply - this will not increase your chances of success.
Successful applicants will be contacted as soon as possible following the Trustee meetings, usually by the end of May or end of November respectively.
We do not have the resources to respond to all applicants and if you have not heard about your application by the timescales noted that will mean that it has been unsuccessful. We cannot enter into any communication about applications and cannot provide feedback.
Grant recipients will be expected to provide a report on the use of the funding received 12 months following receipt of the grant. This is an important part of the process and must be adhered to.
We look forward to receiving your application.