Projects we have supported previously


This is just a few of the many diverse projects we have supported in recent years, both in the UK and overseas. Some cannot be presented with images due to the sensitivity of the work but we hope this provides an overview of the wide range of charitable work we have been pleased to support.

Pilgrim Art Trail

These lovely statues, crafted by a local sculptor, have benefited a local business, have put the Pilgrim Art Trail 'on the map', have encouraged an increasing number of people to visit these sites and learn about the fascinating history and heritage, and we have seen greater interest in the pilgrimages which we have been running. We are currently creating a narrative for the pilgrim walk to explain the history and story behind it, and to connect walkers with the stories of the saints and the local area, its heritage landscape and development over the centuries.

Dyffryn Clwyd Mission Area


Helping young people to understand their sexual health, how to stay safe and the potential risk of sexual exploitation.

“I wasn’t going to come to school today, but then I remembered it was group”

“I love coming here, it feels like a family”

“Here I can just be myself, I don’t feel judged”

“Everyone here just understands me”

“I actually feel like I am being listened too”

Fighting Slavery with Floristry

Delivery of an employability and self-development programme which supports women survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery to gain important skills which prepare them for employment, increase their wellbeing and strengthen their community.

Strength & Stem

© Glow Jaerin

“No matter what we’ve been through, we need to practise self-care.”

“Friendship gives you the strength to wake up in the morning.”

“Every part of it [the programme] was indispensable. Through the process we know what we want.”

“I don’t know who designed this programme, but I learnt a lot.”

“I think that was the first time I gave myself a little bit of time and after that I really like it and I keep doing the same thing.”

© Kate Waters Photography

Romanian Ministries

Dr Beni Paul brings an inimitable blend of medical expertise, gentle charm and Christian warmth to each situation.

One example:

Beni and the hospice's senior nurse performed a minor surgical procedure to drain fluid from the woman's abdominal region. This was life prolonging, and was the 17th occasion of being performed, each time by Emanuel Hospice staff.
Meeting the patient post operatively, I admit to having been extremely startled inwardly by her emaciated appearance. A stark reminder of how cancer ravages the body.
We were able, however, with the Lord's help, to share some gentle words from Scripture. Although the patient's body remained ravaged, her eyes brightened in peace. She was a Christian, and knew arrival at a truer home awaited.

Funding for Hospice

Tree of Hope Mosaic

For new Olive Tree Centre to give practical support to refugees it was decided to create a large mosaic for the reception area to ‘welcome and embrace’ refugees as they entered.
With funding from The Anchor Foundation a team of refugees and all the necessary resources were brought together to create the mosaic.

Mosaic Middle East

Willowfield Parish Community Association (Belfast)

Another creative arts course for women who have dealt with grief, brokenness and difficult circumstances, which uses the medium of creative art to physically demonstrate concepts of healing & wholeness, thankfulness, love, patience, and making choices, among others. It encourages each woman to reflect on their life and set out on a personal journey from brokenness to hope.
The most wonderful thing to have come out of the course is the number of local women who previously struggled with isolation, loneliness and mental health issues who are now coming together and meeting regularly as friends. They’ve bonded through their mutual understanding of the struggles of their past and the hope that they now have in their future. They’ve discovered a sense of sisterhood in their shared pain and have loved being able to help one another overcome their past.

Peaced Together (again)

Tackling Maternal & Child Health in the DRC

Through the delivery of training, equipment, community support and therapeutic feeding supplies they save thousands of lives each year.

Samaritan's Purse UK

Fountain of Life

Helping people living in slums in India

From providing gifts and school materials to work on the land and buildings and medical and other care for orphans and abandoned children, Fountain of Life has used funding well.

Water for All

Creating a water tank, distribution line and water pump to provide clean running water to the Christian Bilingual University of Congo

Congo Initiative

Peaced Together

A creative course providing space for parents supported by Restore Hope to come together and explore the beauty they carry which often comes from the toughest of life experiences.

The brokenness they have endured and survived, creates seams of gold which now hold them together and give strength to build deep relationships with new friends they meet on the course.

Restore Hope

Making life better

Training community members on water treatment

A Little Helping Hand

A problem shared is a problem halved.

Sailing Adventures

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